Did you recognize this beautiful lady ? A fun guessing ~
Who is this girl ? Fun guessing event .
Today I will find more information and then guess some hidden information analysing this photo.
This picture is downloaded from pixabay.com
This picture looks like a girl.
Her skin is fair in color.
She has used black color nail polish.But has not used nail polish properly and beautifully.
Nail polish looks like dirty. Not profesional.
Zoom out this picture and then you will undestand why I told that.So she didn't think about much deep about her nails.
She maybe not a rich girl. She maybe from a normal family.
If she is a rich she exactly concern about her nails.
Her hair is not natural.Only 2% of people have yellowish hair naturally. Blonde hair is also rair. Her hair must be colored with greenish/phantom green dye.Her original hair is black.So she has gone to a salone.
Head is on a another greenish towel.It has bended several times.So she feels comfirt.
Why need a towel ? . Maybe she is going to bathe/swim.
Don't you see the pool.
Who took this photo? A photographer. Also he maybe her boyfriend(It can't say exactly). So he has uploaded it to pixaby.com .
So where I downloaded this.
• Not only this site but also this picture exist in several websites. Such as facebook,instergram,twitter.
She has shaved her body hair in armpit.She must be used razor or also done it in the salon.
Zoom out her sun glass.You will see her BF/photographer through her sun glasses.
His name is Da..el [I can not reveal name under community guidelines] ( image uploader).
Age is 28. A brazil man.
She may between 20 - 27 years old.
Also exist a building around.
That day was a cloudy.
Her sunglasses also black in color and it is a big one.
She has no ear-rings.But her ear holes that uses for wear earings are excist.So she may be not a rich girl.
Sunglass brand is Roy ban( zoom out).
Her bikiny looks like cheap.But it's not.
This visual matches prove that.
All the proven sceenshots in the below
Her palm is smooth. So she doesn't do hard / weight works.
I searched her swimwear with google image search.
This wear's pattern calls Sirena pattern.
Her lipstick is red. Not smooth lips.They have dried.
Upper lip is smaller than lower lip.Among two lips there a small hole for visit the mouth.
She has married.Look her left hand's fourth finger.
There is a gold look ring.
Her right hand has a mark .It looks like injection mark or not.
One side of her body above the pool.Another side is on the floor.
Her eye brows are less.She may have shaved or naturally she has this.
This photo has uploaded on 2 september 2017.
Jpg image type.
Further to learn, you can think about the floor and the pool.
I can't say about under side which doesn't not capture in the photo.
I can talk only what I am watching. Not I am seeing.
Many people see but they don't watch.
Also you can search this image with google search image.
Then you will see some visual matches.
Here it is,
Do you see that , this photo is free to use. Some websites has used this like me with using different topics.
So I stop my analyzing now.
Sherlock Holmes once said this.
" Who is expert in logical science can say this drop of water ends in Atlantic Ocean or River Niagara.
Inference and science of deduction is also a science that should learn with long time,patiently and strong dedication."
This guessings maybe correct.Some times not.
However if you practise questioning everything , every small details it will be a great skill.
This guessings depend on what you watch/see.
Do you remember that in school you learnt the scientific methode .It had 5 steps.
1] Look
4]Test the guessings
Here is some challenge to you.
can you guess my name ?
Where I am ? which country ?
which device/devices I'm using now ?
My signal strength ?
Time ?
which fields I prefer to talk ?
How my English knowledge is?
Coment me your answers.
My work is over.
Have a good day all.
Thanks for your visiting.

Super bro.
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