A Garlic recipe & another lessons to improve life by reading books
📚 Reading a book is a big investment. I pasted my words in front of my wall.

This photo is from pixbay.Thanks pixbay.
I couldn't write yesterday.
I invested my time in reading books yesterday.
I write today about,
What I did today and yesterday together.
Today is April 27, 10:54 p.m.
I used this image because of psychological facts. When a women see a mom with an infant their eye(pupil) dilates to the maximum.
- I read the book "The definitive of body language"-I told about it you in the previous article.
- I read " The Art of Imagination " by a Sinhala author named Chandana Gunawardana.
- I have been stopping Artificial drinks for 3 weeks & Explained to mom the risk of drinking them.
- Drink Garlic tea- simple recipe explained
- Watched body-language videos on youtube.
#1) Book about body-language
My third day of reading it. I tell you special points. Unless you will bring.
The first book about body language - "The expression of the emotions in man and animals " by Charles Darwin
250,000 facial expressions can recognize according to Burd whistle.
Attitudes/behaviors are the mirrors of the heart. Every expression can a key to reading him.
Women are more perceptive than men. Women can great observe.
They have practiced before men. They are practiced by their child unconsciously in childhood.
Babies completely communicate with their mom with word-less. This is the first practice.
Only a few husbands can save a life by falsifying to wives. Most of entrapped.
The brain can measure human qualities. The interesting fact is males' brains have 4 - 6 parts. Females have 14 -16 parts.
Women are the ability to do multi-tasks. She can watch tv, and answer the phone while listening to conversations.
Words can be false but body expressions are natural. Women believe in body language than words.
Fortune telling. fortune-tellers use body language. I will tell you in another article.
Somebody's languages come from birth.
Who drinks milk naturally (Class Mammalia) can suck milk naturally.
Everyone did. Anybody doesn't teach them.
Culture affects to body-language. but fundamental teachings are equal every time.
Most of the men started wearing put right hand the first while women use the first left hand.
Humans when happy laugh. When someone asks a question yes or no, If we answer we nod our head. Anybody doesn't teach us. Blinds who from birth also nod their heads.
Enlarging the nostril is a trick to fight or leave.
A shoulder shrug is a universal sign for notice unknown things or doesn't know.
There are 3 rules to use body language.
1*) Concern more attitudes at once
Scratching head has many reasons.
It may be dandruff, sweets, unknown things, forgetness, or telling false.
So concern all about.
2*) Look at whether her words and gestures are equal or not.
3*) Understand the situation
In the winter season, someone crossed his hands. It doesn't depict his protection. It represents his reaction to climate.
Children can understand easily. When a child tells a lie he closes his mouth with his fingers.
You can show gestures that you need but for a few times. You can't hold frenzy for a long time.
But you can practice.
15 minutes per day is enough to practice body language.
You can enjoy in sitting a corner chair and seeing others' expressions.
Hands are the most connected part among other parts of the brain.
When men lie their attitudes show well. When women lie they are doing several works at once.
If someone's hands are in the pockets of trousers he may be don't like to discuss.
2# ) The art of imagination
What we imagine become reality.
Positive thinking makes the path to the trap of unsuccess.
Positive thoughts add positive thoughts.
Negative thoughts attract negative energies.
3#) I stopped artificial drinks
Today mom argued with me about artificial drinks.
I showed her about risk.
That drinks can cause too,
*Harmful effects on heart, liver
*Diabetes especially for children
*Digestion problems
*Lack of memory
*Teeth problems
There are more results. To explain this is enough.
4# ) Garlic tea recipe
First I cut a garlic piece into small parts. Then poured boiled water into the cup and mixed garlic parts. Closed the cup with paper.
After 10 minutes drink it.
Read huge benefits about my April 24th article.
5# ) I watched body language videos several times.
I learned little about it.
**How to get the best posture that fits you.
Stand up. Then look at the ceiling & close your eyes. Hands up. Make little distance between legs.
Give your hands to naturally feel. Slowly look down and open your eyes.
The best posture is natural and comfortable.
I don't agree with every decision that old gets but respect them.
I have the human right to make my own decision.
Sometimes I learn & sometimes I am correct.
Thank you, everyone. Now 12:34 a.m. and I should sleep. When I upload day will be April 28.
Who works hard physically, his sleep is super cool. -The Bible -
I stop now.
Have a super cool day! Love you all.