How I fun with javascript

Hello everyone,
What I did today,
$ made a website menu with Tailwind CSS and html
$ learnt some javascript codes
I will show you something what I learnt.
I made this below buttons by my html,css,javascript knowledge.
Not by drag and drop methode.
Click below buttons.It will show your device informations.
If a iphone user click , he will see like 576px of width. When a laptop user click he will see like 1214px width.
Click you and know yourself about your device.
##how to know web browser user's width: ##
##how to know web browser user's height: ##
##how to know web browser user's available width: ##
##how to know web browser user's available height: ##
##how to know web browser users color depth: ##
##your current browsing url and its hostname##
##this current tab url path##
##what type of this website protocol ( https or http )##
##how to show a new document in current tab##
<---Here is a code for first button------------------>
##how to know web browser user's width: ##
<p id="wid"> </p>
<br />
<button onclick="document.getElementById('wid').innerHTML = screen.width + 'px';">My device width </button>
When I need to use screen height,
I change only above code highlighted word as height and change id of p alias paragraph.
So my presentation ends.
Good night all. Have a nice day!